Below are a list of links some people have added. If you'd
like to list your link here, Click here. You may need to reload this page to see your link.
- Michel Fornengo's THttpScan Component
- Description: THTTPSCAN is a Delphi 4/5 component that analyses recursively HTML pages and extracts all the links found
- DelphiLand
- Description: Online Delphi tutorials, source code, tips, Q&A; forum, Delphi book reviews.
- Mike Marsden's Borland Delphi links
- Description: Plenty of links to delphi resources.
- Delphi Developer's Journal
- Description: Delphi Developer's Journal, a monthly print newsletter from The Cobb Group, offers real world techniques to help you become a smarter Delphi programmer.
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Revised: March 04, 1998.