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File Synchronization and data replication software
Description: Idem is a software utility that enables the user to automate file synchronization and data replication. Idem secures critical data duplicating them from a computer location to another. It is a good solution for "mirroring" important folders from a Windows NT server toward another. Idem checks a list of source folders at regular time interval and updates target folders with new or modified files. Idem is distinguishable from other expensive mirroring or clustering products by its ability to fully preserve Macintosh filenames and structures stored on a Windows NT/2000 server. You can use Idem to synchronize a laptop on a network.
MacNames Software renames and convert Macintosh files for Windows
Description: MacNames helps Windows-Macintosh cross-platform integration. It is an NT utility which is able to rename automatically Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server, removing illegal characters and adding filenames extensions; then Windows can identify the appropriate applications associated with renamed files.
DisCover Homepage
Description: DisCover is very easy to use effective disks data cataloguing utility. Use to manage all nonpermanent disks data; view archives contents (up to 6 formats including self-extracting files); view files, folders, packed files and audio tracks properties; provide them with comments; find them by means of any criterion.

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Revised: March 04, 1998.