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- Deskware, Inc.
- Description: Deskware COBOL is an interpreter based
COBOL language for the Windows95/WindowsNT, Linux, SunOS, Solaris, AIX,
SCO, and Macintosh environments. Currently still under development, this
product implements some new language features that are very usefull. One
such feature is the DELIMITED WITH option on the OPEN statement. This features
allows delimited text files to be read into Group Level Data structures.
The parsing of the delimiter is handled automatically when this option
is used. Using this feature you can quickly develop simple COBOL data conversion
programs to convert data that would normally require manually importing
data into a database or spreadsheet product and then exporting the data
to a file with the required format. Interpreted COBOL programs are very
usefull when interfaces need be built to convert delimited text file data
provided by one system to a different file format required by the interfacing
system. These production interface programs can then be scheduled by your
"cron" (Linux/SunOS/Solaris/AIX) or "at" (NT) to run "cobol program.cbl",
where program.cbl is the name of your interface program. Another useful
way to use Deskware COBOL is with CGI scripts. There are also some
additional commands for FTPing files, sending/receiving simple emails,
resolving IP addresses, and getting web pages.

Copyright © 1996-1998 [Stickman Productions]. All rights reserved.
Revised: March 04, 1998.