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Below are a list of links some people have added. If you'd like to list your link here, Click here. You may need to reload this page to see your link.

Description: A completely free, turn-based, strategic multiplayer Web game of interstellar conquest and domination. You can choose a game that suits your availability to play and timezone; games can update from every few minutes to every day, and entering your orders will only take a few minutes for every turn. All you need to play is a modern, graphical Web browser -- no Java, plugins, or downloads are required to play, and even JavaScript is optional.
Online Graphical Games
Description: Graphical Online Games List - A complete list on Online Graphical Games, or MUDS
Graphical Muds
Description: This page has links to graphical muds and other multiplayer sites.
Gonzo Gamer
Description: Here you will find links to some of the better online games on the internet.

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Revised: March 04, 1998.