African Trail, Amazon Trail, American Heritage Talking Dictionary, ArtRageous, Battles of the World, Berlitz Think and Talk Spanish, BodyWorks, Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia, Compton's Reference Collection,
DayPlanner Pro, Explorers of the New World, Infopedia, Interactive Math Journey, Key Home Gourmet, Learn to Speak French, Learn to Speak German, Learn to Speak Spanish, Leonardo the Inventor, Let's Start Learning, Logic Quest, Martial Arts Explorer, Math Rabbit, Me and My World, Mosby's Medical Encyclopedia, Multimedia MBA, Operation Neptune, Pathways Through Jerusalem, PharmAssist, Reader Rabbit Deluxe, Reader Rabbit's Interactive Reading Journey, Reader Rabbit's Reading Development Library,
Reader Rabbit's Ready for Letters, Score Builder for the SAT, Score Builder for the SAT and PSAT, Spanish Vocabulary Builder, SportsWorks: The Inside Guide, Super Solvers Gizmos & Gadgets, Super Solvers Midnight Rescue, Super Solvers OutNumbered, Super Solvers Spellbound, The Ultimate Children's Encyclopedia, Time Almanac, Time Magazine Multimedia Almanac, Total Health--Body and Mind, Travel Talk Spanish, Treasure Cove, Treasure Galaxy, Treasure Mathstorm, Treasure Mountain, UFO Calendar
Creator, Fanfare Presentations, Key Design Center 3-D, Key Greeting Card Designer, Key Travel Map, Key Win Tutor 95, Labels Unlimited, Landscape Architect, PC Paintbrush, PFS WindowWorks Plus, PFS: Resume Pro, Paint, Write, and Play, Photofinish, Power Business Plans, PowerAlbum, Project Manager Pro, Read, Write, and Type, Student Writing Center, Student Writing and Research Center, Ultimate Writing & Creativity Center, WinTutor 95, WordStar, WordStar 2000, WordStar for DOS, WordStar for
Windows, WriteNow