
This form is only for submission into the PC-Software area, please check to be sure this is where you want your company listed.

(* denotes a required field)

Update New Submission
Company: *
Address Line#1:
Address Line#2:
City, State Zip:
Stock ID:


Phone: Email:
Support: Email:
Support Fax:    
Sales: Email:


Web Address: *
FTP Address:
Contact Information:
Download Software:
Company Information:
Investor Information:
Financial Information:
Product Information:
Sales Information:
Ordering Information:
Technical Support:
Employment Opportunities:

Please choose the category to list the company in:

Business Entertainment Educational Internet
Productivity Programming
Please enter your Products:
(If you entered in more than one category please list what products go to each category).

Would you be willing to contact us when you have new patches avalable? Yes No

Tell us how to get in touch with you:

Email: *

Webmaster Copyright © 1996-1997 [Stickman Productions]. All rights reserved.
Revised: May 31, 1997.