Here are the necessary links to take you to
sites that provide software reviews. Click Here to see
user submitted sites for this area.

- Benchin' Software Review

- Description: Very big site that has end-user
reviews so you have something to go on when you want to purchase a product. (70,000
Commercial Products).
- MacWare Revue
- Description: Reviews of the latest Macintosh
software available on the Internet including business, education and entertainment
applications, as well as current happenings in the Macintosh community.
- Ratings.org

- Description: The purpose of Ratings.org is
simple, to offer a free service that allows anyone to see how software rates against its
competitors. Real-time statistics containing ten categories for each software package, as
well as individual comments can be perused at your leisure.
- The Review Page
- Description: Here you can find reviews of
games and utilities.
- The ReviewZone
- Description: In-depth software reviews for
parents and teachers on kids'/ family edutainment CD-ROMs, computer hardware, books and
- WorldVillage School House
- Description: Reviews of the latest
educational software for children and adults.
- Scorecard
- Description: A frank, unbiased, in-depth
guide to Macintosh hardware and software -- from your ratings and reviews.
- Superkids Educational
Software Review
- Description: Unbiased reviews of children's
software by parents, teachers, and kids.
- Newsgroup: alt.cd-rom.reviews
Submit: Software
Reviews Site.

Copyright © 1996-1998 [Stickman Productions]. All rights reserved.
Revised: March 01, 1998.