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Here are the necessary links to take you sites that have information that the Assembly programmer will find useful. Click Here to see user submitted sites for this area.

ASM Links
Description: Links of interest to the x86 Assembly language programmer.
Assembly Language Tutorial
Description: The primary purpose of introducing you to assembly language programming. It is designed for people who have never worked with this language.
Heath's x86 Assembly Page
Description: Here you can find links to everything you need to start programming your DOS PC in assembly. This page is slanted heavily toward beginners.
Paul Hsieh's x86 Assembly Page
Description: Links and resources for the Assembly programmer.
PC Assembly Language tutorials and demos
Description: Almost all the following selections are duplicated from a South East Florida Library Information Network PC Assembly Language Group.
Peter's PMODE Page
Description: This site is designed to give help to programmers with experience in Protected Mode programming or help others learn it.
Processor Information: Intel
Description: Here is a list of instructions and opcodes used by Intel, AMD, Cyrix and Nexgen.
Ralph Brown's Interrupt List
Description: A comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, I/O ports, memory locations, and far-call interfaces for IBM PCs and compatible machines, both documented and undocumented.
Randall Hyde's Assembly Language Page
Description: This site contains jobs, book reviews, moderated news server, UCR Standard Library, the Art of Assembly Language, general Information, other resources on the internet.
Description: The sandpile.org website is the source for pure technical 80x86 processor information.
The 80x86 Assembly Pages
Description: Professional Assembly for the PC.
Virtual Library - Assembly Language
Description: This is the Assembly Language section of the Programmer's Virtual Library. Here you can easily find documents, tutorials and FAQs.
x86 Assembly Language FAQ
Description: This is the x86 Assembly Language FAQ for the comp.lang.asm.x86 and alt.lang.asm newsgroups.
x86 Monthly Digest
Description: A lot of inside information regarding the Intel architecture.
Newsgroup: alt.lang.asm
Newsgroup: alt.msdos.programmer
Newsgroup: comp.lang.asm.x86

Submit: Assembly Site.

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Revised: March 01, 1998.