Here are the necessary links to take you sites
that have information that the Assembly programmer will find useful. Click Here to see user submitted sites for this area.

- Description: Links of interest to the x86
Assembly language programmer.
- Assembly Language Tutorial
- Description: The primary purpose of
introducing you to assembly language programming. It is designed for people who have never
worked with this language.
- Heath's
x86 Assembly Page
- Description: Here you can find links to
everything you need to start programming your DOS PC in assembly. This page is slanted
heavily toward beginners.
- Paul
Hsieh's x86 Assembly Page
- Description: Links and resources for the
Assembly programmer.
- PC Assembly Language
tutorials and demos
- Description: Almost all the following
selections are duplicated from a South East Florida Library Information Network PC
Assembly Language Group.
- Peter's
- Description: This site is designed to give
help to programmers with experience in Protected Mode programming or help others learn it.
- Processor
Information: Intel
- Description: Here is a list of instructions
and opcodes used by Intel, AMD, Cyrix and Nexgen.
- Ralph Brown's
Interrupt List
- Description: A comprehensive listing of
interrupt calls, I/O ports, memory locations, and far-call interfaces for IBM PCs and
compatible machines, both documented and undocumented.
- Randall
Hyde's Assembly Language Page
- Description: This site contains jobs, book
reviews, moderated news server, UCR Standard Library, the Art of Assembly Language,
general Information, other resources on the internet.
- Sandpile.org
- Description: The sandpile.org website is the
source for pure technical 80x86 processor information.
- The 80x86
Assembly Pages
- Description: Professional Assembly for the
- Virtual Library
- Assembly Language
- Description: This is the Assembly Language
section of the Programmer's Virtual Library. Here you can easily find documents, tutorials
and FAQs.
- x86
Assembly Language FAQ
- Description: This is the x86 Assembly
Language FAQ for the comp.lang.asm.x86 and alt.lang.asm newsgroups.
- x86 Monthly Digest

- Description: A lot of inside information
regarding the Intel architecture.
- Newsgroup: alt.lang.asm
- Newsgroup: alt.msdos.programmer
- Newsgroup: comp.lang.asm.x86
Submit: Assembly

Copyright © 1996-1998 [Stickman Productions]. All rights reserved.
Revised: March 01, 1998.