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Here are the necessary links to take you to sites with content relating to the Basic programming language. Click Here to see user submitted sites for this area.

Connor's QBasic Links
Description: Connor has compiled a huge list of QBasic related sites, and has them broken down by category.
Jakub's QBASIC Page
Description: This site provides information on QBasic programming and includes links to tutorials, programs, supported compilers, a QBasic FAQ, and a QBasic support page.
QB Online Library
Description: The QB Online Library: freeware routines and libraries.
QBasic Online
Description: This page is devoted entirely to the programming language QBasic/QuickBasic.
QBasic Tutorial
Description: This small tutorial introduces the simple concepts of programming to get you started with QBasic.
QuickBASIC Central
Description: Here you can download dozens of QuickBASIC programs, Also included on this site, a list of links that are worth seeing.
The All Basic Homepage
Description: This is the new home of the All Basic Code Homepage, or ABC for short. ABC is a collection of BASIC code snippets written by YOU for YOU. This site also provides links to other Basic-related sites, ABC sister sites, the Basic WebRing and BFI. Users can visit the Reviews page to read user-created reviews of different products, or to review a product, or the tutor page to get a nuts and bolts lesson on a Basic command.
The Beginners Basic Homepage
Description: A very good site with tutorials, tips, and files.
The QBasic Page
Description: This page includes many utilities and source code bits for QBasic programmers.
Newsgroup: alt.lang.basic
Newsgroup: comp.lang.basic.misc

Submit: Basic Site.

Webmaster Copyright © 1996-1998 [Stickman Productions]. All rights reserved.
Revised: March 01, 1998.