Here are the necessary links to take you to sites with
content relating to the Basic programming language. Click
Here to see user submitted sites for this area.

- Connor's
QBasic Links
- Description: Connor has compiled a huge list
of QBasic related sites, and has them broken down by category.
- Jakub's QBASIC Page
- Description: This site provides information
on QBasic programming and includes links to tutorials, programs, supported compilers, a
QBasic FAQ, and a QBasic support page.
- QB
Online Library
- Description: The QB Online Library: freeware
routines and libraries.
- QBasic Online
- Description: This page is devoted entirely to
the programming language QBasic/QuickBasic.
- QBasic
- Description: This small tutorial introduces
the simple concepts of programming to get you started with QBasic.
- QuickBASIC Central
- Description: Here you can download dozens of
QuickBASIC programs, Also included on this site, a list of links that are worth seeing.
- The
All Basic Homepage
- Description: This is the new home of the All
Basic Code Homepage, or ABC for short. ABC is a collection of BASIC code snippets written
by YOU for YOU. This site also provides links to other Basic-related sites, ABC sister
sites, the Basic WebRing and BFI. Users can visit the Reviews page to read user-created
reviews of different products, or to review a product, or the tutor page to get a nuts and
bolts lesson on a Basic command.
- The Beginners
Basic Homepage

- Description: A very good site with tutorials,
tips, and files.
- The QBasic Page
- Description: This page includes many
utilities and source code bits for QBasic programmers.
- Newsgroup: alt.lang.basic
- Newsgroup: comp.lang.basic.misc
Submit: Basic

Copyright © 1996-1998 [Stickman Productions]. All rights reserved.
Revised: March 01, 1998.