Here are the necessary
links to take you to sites with content relating to Active Server Pages. Click Here to see user submitted sites for this area.

- ASP101
- Description: Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP) with IIS 3.0 offer
the web developer a flexible, easy to use, scaleable methods to interact with ODBC
compliant databases for an Internet site or Intranet application. In this article the
basic methods that are needed to interact with a database are illustrated - namely,
adding, editing and deleting records.
- Best and Brightest Active Server Pages
- Description: This site contains links to other sites that have
information and resources on ASP.
- How To Track User Activity At A Web Site Using
- Description: It deals with using the Session Object to track what
exactly a user does at a Web site. You will find this script useful if you have links on
other sites (or for that matter banner ads) and need to know who's clicking what, when and
from where. Part I covers the script that is responsible for logging the user activity -
part II will deal with reporting.
- The ASP Developers Site
- Description: This is the "unauthorized" support site for
Microsoft Active Server Pages. Within these pages you'll find the finest collection of ASP
resources available on the Net.
- Unathorized SiteBuilder
- Description: This site is to help you create useful multimedia Websites
using Microsoft technology, but without the hype and fluff that you'll get from other
- Using/Learning ASP
- Description: This is a site which will teach you about new stuff you
can do with ASP, ACTIVESERVER, VBSCRIPT and how to fully utilize ASP.
- Working with Active Server Pages
- Description: The complete text of this 550 page book is online here.
- Newsgroup: microsoft.public.inetserver.iis.activeserverpages
Submit: Active Server Pages.

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Revised: March 01, 1998.