Here are the necessary
links to take you to sites with content relating to the X Windows Operating System. Click Here to see user submitted sites for this area.
- comp.windows.x.apps FAQ
- Description: Herein lie frequently asked questions (and the answers)
that are posted to comp.windows.x.apps, a group dedicated to the discussion of
applications that run under the X Window System.
- MW3: Motif on the World Wide Web
- Description: MW3 is a meta reference (with over 900 links) connecting
you to a wealth of resources for Motif and X Window System development. MW3 is Graphics
Lite but Content Heavy.
- Open Group Desktop Technologies -- X
Window System
- Description: Develop, evolve and maintain the X Window System, a
system-architecture neutral, network-transparent windowing and user interface standard.
- Technical X Window System and
OSF/Motif WWW Sites
- Description: This page contains over 700 technically-oriented X Window
System WWW links.
- X Window System Technical
- Description: A detailed glossary of X Window System terminology.
- Newsgroup: comp.windows.x
Newsgroup: comp.windows.x.announce
Newsgroup: comp.windows.x.apps
Submit: X Windows.
Webmaster Copyright © 1996-1998
[Stickman Productions]. All rights reserved.
Revised: March 01, 1998.