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This listing of software and other links is not meant to be all inclusive, it attempts to give you pointers to the most popular or often requested pieces of information.


Bullet-1.gif (1649 bytes) Fetch
Fetch is a user-friendly Macintosh FTP client; it allows point-and-click, drag and drop file transfers to and from any machine with an FTP server, over a TCP/IP network.


Bullet-1.gif (1649 bytes) CuteFTP
CuteFTP simplifies FTP by offering a user-friendly, graphical interface instead of cumbersome command-line utility. One of the strongest features of CuteFTP is its ability to gather all available file and directory structure information of a remote system and present it to the user in an easy-to-use, file-manager-like browsing screen. CuteFTP also minimizes data transfers by storing frequently used data to a temporary file. The configurable interface allows options such as auto-loading indices, sorting the display and long file descriptions. You can connect to predefined sites simply by clicking on the address, and retrieve files by dragging and dropping them from one location to another.

Bullet-1.gif (1649 bytes) FTP Explorer
FTP Explorer is a file transfer protocol client for Windows 95 and NT 4.0, that looks and acts very much like the Windows Explorer, offering a fun way to FTP.

Bullet-1.gif (1649 bytes) WS_FTP
WS_FTP is the fastest, most powerful Windows file transfer client available. Designed for non-programmers but sophisticated enough for power users, WS_FTP takes full advantage of Windows' point-and-click capabilities. Its highly intuitive graphical user interface with side-by-side directory windows for local and remote sites will greatly simplify all your file transfer tasks.

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Revised: March 01, 1998.