Search Page
This site is a compilation of various forms-based search tools found on the Internet. They
have been combined here to provide a consistent interface and convenient ALL-IN-ONE search
Find-It! lets you find what you're looking for, no matter what it is!
Internet Sleuth
The Internet Sleuth is a bit different from the other search engines you might have used.
While Alta Vista or Lycos attempt to index the entire Web The Sleuth maintains an index of
searchable databases, most of which can be searched directly from The Sleuth, simplifying
the search for information.
Search.Com from c|net allows you to search over 250 engines, listed by subject areas. It
does not allow you do a multiple engine search with a single command.
SEARCH THE NET: Your Top Search
As chosen and reviewed by Tracy Marks, these are the top ten search engines, directories
and libraries on the Internet, and twenty honorable mentions. Choices were made on the
basis of (in order of priority): content, ease of use, and design.
Search Engines
This listing by Yahoo has links to a lot of other lesser known search engines.
Webmaster Copyright © 1996-1998
[Stickman Productions]. All rights reserved.
Revised: March 01, 1998.